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Chase Lane
Primary School

" I always try my very very best at everything "

Equality Information

Equality Statement

Inclusion is a priority at Chase Lane. Our school is privileged to welcome a fantastically diverse community and we strive to enable all children to succeed. Fostering such an approach results in a curriculum that celebrates diversity and adds value to a person’s personal qualities.

The community spirit encapsulated enables us to promote community relationships free from discrimination, both direct and indirect.

The Equality Act of 2010 identifies a commitment to upholding the highest of standards and preventing discrimination against nine ‘Protected Characteristics’. Sex, age, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity, marriage and civil partnership

At Chase Lane we strive to:

Objective 1

Deliver a curriculum that continues to be rich in culture and represents the range of diversity we have within our school community.

Objective 2

Maximise opportunities to learn from others, value and make links between our own experiences and making links beyond our immediate school community and the wider world.

Objective 3

Actively seek opportunities to use the school's diversity to enrich our human resources, community work and celebrate together with all stakeholders.

Objective 4

Reduce the difference between boys and girls taking on responsibilities in school.


The school is compliant with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)